I just made the cut off. 11:59 pm to live up to my commitment. A busy end to the week for all of us here.
I started writing a piece yesterday about Mathematicians. It is a good seed for a longer piece so far, but I will probably have to shelve it for a couple of days. The lack of daylight is starting to become a major adjustment. There really isn’t enough time in a day for much. It has been weeks since I contemplated a sunset without any other concerns. Even my sunset rides still have to beat the light. No time to soak in the nautical twilight.

Instead of Mathematicians I will write about something else I am familiar with and should be simpler, but unfortunately it is not.
No offense Mathematicians. Your job is to make the complex simple and predictable. You make simple for the rest of us by understanding the universe on the deepest level. I will get to that piece when I have enough solid references to carry the narrative.
All I seek to do is get people to understand that environmentalism shouldn’t be political.
Since when does simply existing require debate?
Why do conservatives think I am liberal for wanting to conserve the planet?
How do you take politics out of discussions of the conservation movement for people who already decided that it is the “Lyin’ Dems” or any number of insults used to dismiss what should be compelling conversation that concerns us all?
The Earth is heating up and we are causing it. How do we slow it and stop it in time not to go extinct in several more generations?

I have tried throughout my career in construction to convey my truly conservative values to my socially conservative coworkers. A lot of lunches were spent trying to convince guys that Democrats weren’t trying to brainwash their kids about the hoax of Global Warming.
How are you going to get across to men who don’t respect women and are racist too? My fear is that they can only understand physical dominance, so well formed arguments are virtually worthless. So far my fears are confirmed in practice. Occasionally there were breakthroughs, but those are lost immediately when a man like that gets in a group where denying it to seem tough and cool is normal.
Un-teach toxic masculinity. Un-teach religious ignorance about human agency. I feel more comfortable in a universe of indeterminate future.
These obstacles to reality are rooted in the same issue.
Dominance and submission. A large majority of the American population requires this structure to their lives. This is also true of other countries, but here it is puzzling because of the diversity of the population. One would think we would be smarter about that kind of crap.
We aren’t. The masses are terrified of change instead of seeing it as an exciting opportunity to learn.

How do you disarm that irrational fear and release love in their hearts?
I am certain there is love–it is just stifled, or maybe the energy is spun somehow. I don’t know how the universe works. I do observe that everything in the universe effects everything else. There is no point of complete disconnect in the soup we all exist in.
The same oxygen molecules I breathe today might create rust on a piece of metal in Antarctica a million year from now.

With this in mind it should be easy to educate people about not drowning in their own pollution.
True conservatives would be focused on reducing consumption. It is really that simple. I do not know why it is so hard to teach, or why people choose to weaponize the issue with politics.
The situation is dire, and the troglodytes beat their chests, screaming about their fear of progress. The delusion of safety in numbers.
A million ignorant people aren’t any smarter collectively.
Zero multiplied by anything is still Zero, and anything multiplied by Zero becomes Zero.
How do you help folks find the “1” so they can start to build their own awareness?
Are they plagued to live and die, scared and pious in their level of conviction–devout to do the bidding of the greed they worship?