I will start with a rant I have earned from a lifetime of frustration with something very simple.
The weighting of handles on saucepans and other cookware.
Under no circumstances is there any reason for an empty vessel to tip over from it’s base under the weight of it’s own handle.
It shouldn’t even be close no matter how beautiful the designer wants to make it.
This is my opinion. I welcome comments.
Now that I have that off my mind I will address my own shortcoming.
For some reason I have a problem maintaining horizontal space. I know it is a premium part of reality, but it seems that I have never been able to create enough of it to manage my mind.
Obviously it is easier to find things when they are distributed only one layer thick, and so there is a natural tendency to spread out. I would rather look in a shallow drawer than a deep one. Sometimes digging in a deep drawer results in injury. It is always fun to find an open razor blade while rifling through a junk drawer for AAA batteries.
With that in mind, I contend that it is really a time management problem. For some reason I have no time to pack and unpack things. To store. By that same logic I end up having to relocate things too often because I run out of space. Priority determines what and why. Some of it is seasonal. All of it is not optimum.
Musical stuff.
All of it valuable.
That is a lie.