The United States pulled out of the Paris Climate Accords today. Standard American cowardly bully move.
I’m just going to throw this out as a proposition for when the revolution comes…
To begin with, a lot of Floridians can just stay put. One would think that if you lived near sea level, rise might be an important issue. For many, it isn’t.
It would be a choice spot for a couple more decades–save for the hurricanes. In general though it should be a bread basket, so no food worries. Plenty of insects and snakes for protein. Vegetables grow all year.
A perfect prison state. One with a lifespan.
It is a great place to live if you use snakes as currency. Florida is lousy with snakes and people who think they are a sound investment. Our slithery friends bring an element of terrifying surprise to an otherwise routine trip to the toilet. Slither is a descriptive word for movement that describes people who might unethically love money. They also smell like something you might find in a toilet.
This brings us to mental health.
Florida already has a crisis in mental health treatment that is corrupt and irresponsible. It is easy to stay alive there simply because the temperature won’t kill you at the upper and lower extremes. As a result, a lot of sick people end up there and without access to services that help them function as members of society. This shows what a bunch of cowards Americans are. Too chickenshit to deal with people as people. It is easier to put them in cages or cage yourself in.
The gated community crowd move there for the weather also, and are insane for the fact that they think the gate will matter when almost the entire state is 100 feet below sea level. They help to legislate away from compassion and reason.
When you are too old to have it matter for yourself, use your vote on the side of good. Use your perspective and see how ignorance leads to regression.
Greedy people thrive on ignorance and division.
If you actually have love in your heart, please vote for health at any cost. If you don’t, I wish you could know love.
Is it possible to be cynical and care deeply about humanity simultaneously?
I hope so, or I am a bigger fraud than I thought.
Are cynicism and frustration weakness?
So besides being a cesspool of corruption and ripe for a patient zero of the next pestilence, Florida is also a place where felons basically lose their citizenship. Look it up. Personally, I want people who have been through the justice system to vote. It isn’t in the best interest of corruption to allow people who had nothing but time to get smarter, wiser and more determined, to have their voice counted. Chances are that any ex-felon who served their time and took the deliberately obstructed extra steps to to get their full-citizenship back, would also be asking a lot of questions about what failures in our society create a situation in which they became incarcerated with a felony.
What breakdown in social structure created this misuse of energy? Fraud? Corruption? Entitlement? Pedigree? Racism?
It probably seems that I am off topic. I am for now, but all of this matters and each tangent will help form the whole in coming paragraphs.

So here is where I will pull a few things together.
What is trash to you?
Evidently Florida is trash to Climate Deniers and Oil Companies. New York City too. All the land below 300 feet. Goodbye Coast. Welcome to coastal Memphis. The Mid-Columbia Valley will be one heck of a Bay Area.
How fast can we move inland and up? Who get’s the high ground?
I already live well above sea level, but if I lived in much of coastal America I would be concerned. It concerns me from my 4,200 foot perch.
My hope would be that if we corralled the people who deny human caused climate change on the land that is America’s Pangus, they might start to analyze the water as it seems to level out in downtown Tallahassee over the years. Whether they profit from denying it, or because they blindly follow The “Reverend” Franklin Grahm, complicit stupidity is not a defense for the sin of willful ignorance.
I saw Franklin Grahm’s daddy at Wembley Stadium in 1989. He was quite a show. I even wandered down and got the packet from one of the drones in his caravan of minstrels. At the time I remained Atheist, but it was a powerful event. Those folks are alive with some spirit. At one point, when they were asking for money, lightening actually struck a huge bank of high pressure sodium lights. It was pretty wild.
Maybe Dr. Grahm had asked God for some drama with the big UK event. More than 100,000 people were there.
Remarkable, was that this was the same year that the ozone holes got a bunch of attention. It was a good year in England for weather, but it didn’t snow much in the Alps. Everyone I went to school with gave me credit for bringing nice weather from America.
You’re welcome.
In 30 years we have seen 3″ of sea level rise in places, and this is accelerating. In 1989 I was already very concerned about these things, and was skeptical of the timeline presented. I felt it was happening much faster, and it turns out that I was right.
I am not an oracle, I am just sensitive, observant and analytical. I really notice snow. The things I see don’t always need to be quantified. It is simply apparent truth if you are looking. If you wait for perfect data you are chasing something you will never get ahead of. There will never be consensus, and people will rarely agree on a starting point for research.
Five year old me in 1977 simply knew things had changed and never changed back.
Evangelical Christians are in a position to be the driving force behind restructuring a large portion of the total output of American energy. With all that available thought and labor, if they focused on reducing consumption, and innovating to reduce heat and pollution then a rapid move toward renewable salvation is possible. If they continue to deny the science then I don’t mind dragging 4 in 10 Americans to Florida where they can gladly have acres of land, big gaudy mansions and a boat to get around because roads will be irrelevant. They can have all the land.
I call it Sea Floor.
If they choose to work against the greater good for life on Earth they deserve to feel the effects first. Move them to Florida. They are making decisions for their grandchildren, so maybe their entire lineage should be forced to stay below the 300 foot contour of land on Earth. Put the fence on that border and electrify it. The gators are already there.
Was it Gods Will that people should ruin our home so they can race blimps?
Absurd, but in every way, on every level of existence, greed dominates Americans.
American Exceptionalism is ignorance coupled with arrogance founded in nothing promoted by God. It wrecks the world from a jackass pulpit of lies.
Prove me wrong America. Prove me wrong Evangelicals. Show that you have a brain in your head and love in your heart. Unconditional love. Show that you love all children, not just your own.
Yelling at a basement wall. I think the wall listens better than a mind made up by greed. A mind that believes salvation comes from racism and science denial cannot be open to growth.
When you are blinded by the promise of a golden prosperity ministry,–an idol sent by Christ, what would you reach for in the dark?

I am reaching out to Florida. I am reaching out with abuse, but it is because I love that I go after your problems with judgmental arrogance. Hyperbole gets attention. We contribute to the insanity here in Oregon too, but lose a lot less land over a much longer time line. By the time Florida is almost completely uninhabitable, Portland will be inland coastal property for a few years.
So forgive me for my absurd suggestion. I hope to draw up two larger points with this nonsense.
One, is that it should be clear that the majority of the world is now concerned in an urgent way and on every level of our impact on the only planet we have. This should seem real to every American. It is really happening.
Two, as an American, if you really want to make America great, there has to be a future to be great. A true conservative is focused on reduction of need. A true conservative is physically conservative–focused on careful conservation of resources. They would rather see a healthy society than race blimps over Cape Canaveral. The former ensures health and prosperity for future generations. The latter use a finite resource to stay afloat.
Today Voyager 2 left the Solar System. I remember the day it launched. Just a week or so before the first day of Kindergarten and not too long before I saw the National Geographic Magazine Cover in the grocery store (Dec 1977 issue).
We live in marvelous times. My final point is that America has led the world in development of solutions to problems, and when we unite for a cause we prove to be unstoppable.
Think of what a huge contribution the state of Florida has played in development of the technical superiority of our Defense Department and research facilities.
If your endgame is the Rapture and you truly believe there is no future then I can’t communicate my position.
If you can present a reasoned argument for why it is OK to put personal financial gain ahead of morality and the health of a society within which you live, I will listen.
Good luck.
Also, I don’t really want to imprison and drown anyone, but I do wish folks would simply see reality and feel a charge to action or at least acceptance of responsibility for the world we leave our kids.
I am guilty too. Maybe I’ll get another day to fight, but to be grateful for the fight too. Atrophy builds creativity. I get why I fight. What is the endgame for Climate Change Deniers?
To fight innovation?