Was dropped off in the usual way. Mom found the end of her mission–her journey and Cidney and thousands of others started a journey of their own to become something more.
More than what?
Maybe you will see in what Cidney learns.
Cidneys mother was a nurturing soul to her offspring, always leaning into the sunshine to keep warm so her little expressions of love would be strong and resilient when it was time for them to find their own journey.
Where Cidney came from cannot be remembered, but it can be learned, and when the winds of Journey’s end came to Mom she knew she could let her love become part of the universe at last. It was her reason for being in the physical world, and now it was time to give back the love she learned.
This is the story of Cidney Sojourner, the Empathy Seed.

That might make a decent introduction page for a children’s book about a transcendental being who just wants to understand why everyone creates so much negative energy around myopic problems.
I think I can probably wrap my head around what the character needs to do in order to go from knowing nothing to being totality. The greater challenge is that I want the character to be without gender and perhaps a few other cultural groupings. An android seed seems reasonable to accomplish this goal, but robots can be hard to make lovable and emotively engaging (except distrust and fear). There is always a robot rebellion.
It is possible that this might not work as a children’s picture book. Maybe it is best formatted as a graphic novel or even a series of single panel comics.
Is it inept to have a character and cosmos built but no stories? Will it all be communicated in one line observations? There are a lot of ways to actualize this idea. Perhaps it should be a board game.
Tonight at Cafe Irie I cooked a few things up.
Now we have several days of chicken Noodle soup to enjoy, and almost all the leftovers since Saturday are eaten. So far this week we are kicking ass on low food waste. I wouldn’t bring it up, but it is important. Everyone on earth should really care about food.
Just for an hour while you wait for an airplane flight some day…just for an hour sit and watch the little slot restaurants near your gate.
Watch the waste that is generated right there in one hour.
Then let your mind pan out and do the math for the whole world and it is actually a flipping miracle there is anything left at all on Earth.
I guess the earth must be much bigger than I understand it to be. Somehow it provides all this food and packaging and it absorbs all this energy we release. All the poison, all the simple heat and heat less known.
I think we have found the limit. At least life won’t be getting boring. 8 billion poops a day.
I am contributing to waste tonight by running my misting attachment on a garden hose in the Orchard yard. Not to preserve fruit as they might in Florida when it gets really cold.
In my case it is entirely vanity. Tonight is our first really cold night–perhaps it will be less than 10 degrees. I don’t know.
In Autumn my neighborhood stays quite a bit warmer than the rest of town because the lake is big and warm still. Conversely, in Spring we are cooler later into the year because the spring runoff from Crater Lake Complex and Sky Lakes Wilderness (most of our water) is cold snowmelt.
So anyway, I am running the mister to make ice and it is working. Hopefully I can get some good photos and other ideas from this little charette. I am not feeling excessively guilty about the water because it just moves into the lake. The power to pump it is a different matter, but the city would have the pressure on regardless so not much power is being used just for me to make ice. Still some.
I hit water in my unused well at 26 feet deep. This ice will melt in two afternoons and probably be 26 feet down by Sunday. Underneath our land is fractured basalt. This land drains well. Good land for ice sculptures because they won’t create a pond as they melt. They will just replace water taken from the lake into the lake. My life is a cartoon.
Last Winter I had a lot of fun photographing ice, and this year has started well with my first captures at the end of September. I have a few new tools and skill sets to work with this year. Maybe I will get a few worth printing.
The dehydrator keeps running daily, and I am finally down to the finite and tangible last 21 gallons of apples to process. This will translate to roughly 30 full quart bags of dried fruit. The bags weigh about 5oz each, so with what I already have we will have put up about 40 pounds of dried pears and apples this Autumn when I clean the last tray and switch to making jerkey for a while.
Ski season loves snacks!
Apples, soup and snowmaking. It is quite a life.
Cidney would ask why it isn’t this simple for everyone.
What happy finds you?
Yes I hope. It is simple. You have to let it.
Sorry if I lost anyone in those last couple of sentences. I meant every word. It will make more sense in another context, but I will save that for a different post. Some may see it now…
That is all from Cafe Irie tonight. I have to go add New Mexico Chili powder to my soup and check on my ice world.