Origin Story
The name "Cafe Irie Design" began as a dream I had in 1988. I envisioned an outlet for my creative work that reflected the non-specific nature of the projects I conceptualize and produce.
After more than 30 years it was time to put the pieces of my hobbies into one repository where they can be shared and developed further.
Thus was born CID.
Our Approach
Cafe Irie Design
A place where diverse ideas blend with creative problem solving--whatever that means.
It is a state of existence--a spirit of optimism, finding beauty and fun in the mundane or routine obligations of daily life.
CID is a process, not a product. It is a place of consciousness, not my studio.
Our Story

The Plan
There is no master plan here. I view this space as a multidisciplinary creative outlet. A hobby more or less...
Soon there will be galleries of greeting cards that can be
ordered, and perhaps some other simple sundries.
The goal is to present a life creative. A life of luck, and hopefully my gratitude for the blessings.
Our Approach
One topic of discussion I find interesting is the debate over whether art is a product or not.
I say it isn't.
It is hard to say that art is anything if there is no product. No dance, no recital, no painting.
I am certain that there is art in process, and I will leave it there for now.
Our Story
Who's Driving?
Andrew Cooke is a sole proprietor, and the entire human workforce of CID (besides my family who work to put up with this nonsense).
I will collaborate as a creative agent with other people or organizations on projects, but all CID work is the property and liability of Andrew Cooke unless purchased. Then, it is all on you to limit regret.

Andrew W H Cooke
Designer and builder.
I enjoy making things and exercising outdoors.

Cidney Sojourner
AKA: Cidney the Empathy Seed
Cidney came to CID as a concept and ambassador for love and empathy to people worldwide.

Seymore Seymore
Lives @Instagram and in a box on a page at CID for now.
Watch out for sporadic appearances on their page, Two Brains In a Box.